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Literary Braun

Sunday Snippet: "This just keeps getting better and better."


It's that time of the week again– 8Sunday with Weekend Writing Warriors, the indie blog hop for authors looking to entice readers by offering 8-10 sentences in a teaser snippet. I'm continuing with the first chapter of Damnation's Door, the last novel in the Cursed seriesLast week, main character Constance and her companions began to realize they were in a trap, confronted with Possessors. In today's snippet, she gets a better look at her enemy... 


The Possessors looked like regular humans, except their irises were solid black. I held back my shiver, knowing just how much pain their souls must be in. Being possessed was one of the worst things a human could experience. I had barely survived it.


These Possessors had taken over a group of tall, bulky men in black clothes. Their hair ranged from shoulder-length to bald, and their arms were covered in tattoos. Each had the tattoo of a rose thorn that appeared to be weaving in and out of their skin, blood dripping from the points. I had the same one inked behind my ear.


This just keeps getting better and better.





Demons are free. Angels are fallen. Hope is dying...

Constance Ramirez and her adopted sister, Andromeda, have stopped Lucifer’s plan– They have closed the Heaven Gate and kept the demons out. But their choice came with brutal consequences, and now every angel on earth is trapped in their mortal body.

All that remains is closing the Hell Gate and establishing a balance once and for all. That means returning to the city of Constance’s nightmares, which has become a haven for murderers and monsters. But even more dangerous than their hunt is that Andromeda’s powers and instincts are turning darker, and this time Constance doesn’t know how to protect her.

Constance is ready to fight for her life, but her enemies have plans she can’t begin to imagine, and they’re prepared to make her suffer...
Trust is lost and hearts are broken in the epic conclusion in Amy Braun’s Cursed trilogy...


Pre-order it here:


Amazon Kindle Paperback | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Nook | iBookstore |  Goodreads | Smashwords |



Current giveaways and promotions:


Giveaways for Storm Born:


Goodreads | The Bookish Crypt |


Sign Ups:


Review Opportunity for the Cursed series

Book Blitz Sign up for Damnation's Door

Review Opportunity for Crimson Sky and Midnight Sky




This week will be busy. A couple days ago, I got the edits back for Midnight Sky, the second Dark Sky novel. I've got a bit more tweaking to do, but I'm hoping to get that off my plate ASAP so I can start finalizing the novel and move it toward formatting, pre-order set ups, and the like. It would be nice to have that off the table for August, especially since I'll need to make time for the Beta edits for Amber Sky and Smoke Sky. Since my deadlines are coming up, I'm excited to announce that tomorrow I'll officially reveal the synopsis for Midnight Sky


That's all the major news I'll offer for this post, since it's getting late for me and I need to catch some of that mystical entity called Sleep. Be sure to check out the other blogs on the Weekend Writing Warriors website. There are tons of great authors out there just waiting to be discovered! Leave them some love!



