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Literary Braun

Monthly Goals: March

Even with the extra day of February this year, I can't believe that it's March. I mean, it's a little hard to tell in Canada thanks to this final cold snap, but already, we're three months into the new year! And don't I know that time is flying by. February was busy for me, due to the release of the first novel in Dark Skymy new steampunk horror series, Crimson Sky. I had everything from spotlights for Crimson Sky on Princess of the LightOne Book Two, Bargain Book Reviews, and a blog hop with Nicky Peacock



This month I'll have a few more spotlights revolving around both the Dark Sky series and the Cursed trilogy (I should also have the cover art for that in a couple weeks). I'm still working on the formatting for Damnation's Door, the last Cursed novel. I'm nearly completed the Beta edits for Midnight Sky, and will be requesting the next batch of edits from my editor now that I've also requested the cover art. Speaking of cover art, the wonderful team at Deranged Doctor Design has provided me with the artwork for my standalone novel, Storm Born. The official reveal will be on Thursday, but I can tease you a little bit.



Yup. It's awesome, believe me. Less awesome is the amount of edits I have to do before Storm Born's release in May, but at least I knew they were coming. I'll be working on those a lot in the near future, then moving onto prepping ARCs and media kits, and then emailing for reviews and spotlights, etc. Seriously, this is a ton of work. Good thing I love it! 


On my "free time" (aka the time I have when I'm away from my computer but still have my phone to write on), I'm working on the newly re-plotted Areios Brothers stories. I'm cheating a little bit by copy-pasting from previous work, but there are still some major changes that will need to be done before I release the first book, Storm of the Gods next year. How it will be released, I'm not sure yet. I've decided that it might be a good idea to try sending out queries for traditional publishing again. If I don't hear back within six months from anyone interested, I'll move on and publish on my own. I'm working my ass off and think I'm making decent progress, but I really do want to write full time. We'll see what happens!


In other small news, I'll be sending out my Dark Sky prequel for the Mocha Memoirs Steampunk Horror anthology in a couple days, and will try to randomly promote the other short story I have that was released last week: The Maker of Monsters in Aprils Moon Books' awesome horror anthology, Spawn of the Ripper


Definitely NSFW.


So, this is what's happening in March. Meaning, a lot. But again, I love being busy. I love having deadlines that make me work harder and give me a timeframe. I loathe being late for anything, so all this work helps keep me focused on what has to be done. At this point, I'm not too terribly concerned with having high word counts. It's a good way for me to learn and focus my priorities, which right now, is getting out as many books as possible. Wish me luck! 


